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toasty tush insulation to keep your tush toasty
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Vista Fabrications - Vistafab - Toasty Tush

How does
Toasty Tush work?

Polyethylene aluminum insulation is used to radiate your own body heat back towards you. This keeps you comfortable and warm without using any batteries or heat packs.  Aluminum is one of the most effective insulating materials know to man.  Toasty Tush is completely portable making it great for bleacher seats and all the outdoor activities you use your camp chair for.

Image by Dustin Humes
how the toasty tush works

A study conducted using a Toasty Tush outside in  0 degree celisius resulted in an increase in temperature  of 11 degrees after only 2 minutes!

Toasty Tush comic strip by Vista Fabrications
Image by Dustin Humes
graphic design by vistafab

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Image by Dustin Humes

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Medicine Hat, AB Canada


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